Left Fielder

Sunbeam Tiger
4 min readJan 10, 2021

The best thing about the WWW is that I can go down a rabbit hole and just dive through the centre of the earth and back in usually an hour or so. It has been a long time since I found something soooooo exciting, that it took me a few websites-in to find out I was 5 years late into the bandwagon.

I don’t even know where to start.

Have you ever wanted to start a brand? Did you ever wanted to start one only in spite hating on another and making it a philanthropic effort at the same time? I doubt it, but this was mos-def the case for, this jacket brand called Summit Ice. Whoa.

Nathan Fielder

This guy called Nathan Fielder founded the company as a non-profit, as well as a tool to spread awareness for the Holocaust. Yup, the Holocaust. Apparently he did wanted to do right as this Vancouver- based jacket company Taiga who made a tribute to a Holocaust denier.

As I read this a few days ago now, I can’t remember his name, BUT I think what’s a bigger issue is, there are deniers??? I didn’t know that was a thing??? I wasn’t thought much about the WWII, especially the genocide that happened, during my 12 years of formative learning, HOWEVER can that even be possible? That it didn’t happen? Was that made up to sell Anne Frank books??? OK moving on………

The jacket it self seems very simple. That’s basically their entire website in one screenshot. I think it is just an OEM soft shell, it looks like a $37.85 jacket from some random Amazon seller, not much design thought has been put behind it, function only, it got its own appeal tho, so no harm done there.

Every new tab I open reading about this only gets me harder for it, at this point I already added it to my cart. While this jacket launched on his show’s third season, 2015, as a semi-joke(?), it did 500K Simoleons sales in the first 3-months. Big burn to that other brand.

Da style-gawd himself wearing one

While Donned by a number of, I-would-dare-to-say-great-looking, celebrities and approval from the whole WWW seems like a legit review. Many of them worship Nathan, might be a tad biased. I personally like it because it feels very Final Home to me.

Final Homeeeeee

It has the same air to it, the GOOD/OL’/RAISIN/&/PEANUT vibez, hard to turn down feeling when you see first it, and craving when you get more into it. Lets hope for a Summit Ice x Kosuke Tsumura in 2022. And for $100 it’s not crazy expensive. And it is for a good cause, sort of, still very confused there are deniers. OH, and they did a pop-up shop in Vancouver in 2017, it looked like an amazing event. Jackets were sold, but you could also trade in your Taiga jacket. And the line went around the block for the entire time.

This is from the reddit guy, Nathan is manning the cashier, hard Nazi poster on the left

This is a comprehensive review from a guy on reddit.


Not so cool looking, but cool in the know pin

I have never watched the show, but saw a few of the stuff, didn’t know it was him at the time, during those years it aired. It seems that I would be downloading an illegal copy sometime this week.

The Dumb Starbucks from one of his episodes that went viral after it aired

He’s also doing this new TV show for HBO Max, maybe I’ll get on that first.

Inspiring, fund raising, doing shit, I guess that’s just how Nathan does his Tikkun Olam.



Sunbeam Tiger

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